How Accolade Healthcare is different for Employee Satisfaction

The “WHY” behind Accolade Healthcare is our amazing employees. Accolade Healthcare strives to create a culture that employees want to come into work each and every day.  

Malerie Orsowy, Regional Administrator at Accolade Healthcare states, “Culture equals quality,” and that sums up why we believe culture leads to our residents receiving the best care.  Malerie goes on to share her personal story of working her way up to becoming Administrator at Accolade Healthcare of Pontiac. She started her healthcare career as a CNA in Pontiac, IL and moved into a manger role as Social Services Director. This advancement gave her an opportunity to show her strengths and work ethic, which led her to becoming a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator in the State of Illinois. Malerie shares her career path all while being a single mother to three children and is proof that work life balance is possible in healthcare leadership at Accolade Healthcare. Malerie and Diana are not the only team members that have advanced their careers. Accolade Healthcare often hires from within the company, so many leadership and manager positions are held by team members who have been promoted.

Accolade Healthcare looks to create this family culture by providing opportunities and giving back as often as possible. Diana Tolley, Corporate Director of Human Resources shares how Accolade Healthcare has provided tuition assistance to current employees looking to continue their education. The CNA School based in Paxton, IL is an great way students can get paid to go to school. Whether someone is looking to start their healthcare career or go back to school while continuing to work, this is a fantastic opportunity to become a licensed CNA in the State of Illinois and graduate with a job waiting. Diana and the Accolade Team are always looking to celebrate our employees. All employees are invited to the yearly holiday parties where over $10,000 in gifts are raffled off. Accolade Healthcare teams also join together in the summer with our employees and families for our Family Fest, which consists of a live concert, food and outdoor fun.

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